wise 接受公司汇款容易封控吗?
如果它不给解怎么办? 地址证明,收入证明,工资单,反正就这几样,大概率早晚都会跟你要,
billcool 发表于 2023-12-4 16:31
地址证明怎么弄? 国内水电费都是中文的, 拿HK银行的英文账单PDF可以吗?
一般收多少会要证明? 1.4 You may only use your Wise Account Number to receive funds into your Wise Account for the following purposes:
a. receiving your own salary and/or wages;
b. receiving payouts from e-commerce and freelancer platforms;
c. receiving payments from family, friends or other people you know for personal purposes;
d. receiving payments from your clients and other third parties for the purpose of business payments.
e. You may not use your personal Wise account to receive business payments.
AUP明确写了不让,那就肯定会出问题 我反正 advnexo kraken cryppobank 好几个公户插进来 没啥事,就adv的时候提供了工资单 后面就还好 我收paypal withdraw,被要求提供了一次地址证明 wukui 发表于 2023-12-5 19:35
我收paypal withdraw,被要求提供了一次地址证明
地址证明用什么? digitalcitizen 发表于 2023-12-6 17:29
银行账单 水电煤账单 319172762 发表于 2023-12-6 17:33
银行账单 水电煤账单
必须要英文的吧? jimmychu 发表于 2023-12-5 08:50
我反正 advnexo kraken cryppobank 好几个公户插进来 没啥事,就adv的时候提供了工资单 后面就还好 ...