Sorry, we haven't been able to verify and validate your identity and can't provide your credit report.
Unfortunately we've not been able to automatically verify and validate your identity. As your credit report contains such personal and important financial information we need to make sure that we only make it available to the right person.
We're unable to tell you the exact reason that we couldn't verify your identity but some of the most common reasons are a recent house move or name change or not being on the Electoral Register.
We regularly make updates to our processes and we hope that this will allow more people to be automatically matched so please do come back and try again.
通过creditkarma和totallymoney也无法获得信用分和报告 提示太多的错误查询导致信用被冻结
谁知道怎么回事,怎么办?求大佬解答 checkmyfile里面看看有没有其他地址,
看你这个错误提示,是注册时候填的信息有误?https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/master-of-forums/master-of-forums/public/images/patch.gif billcool 发表于 2024-3-20 23:17
看你这个错误提示,是注册时候填的信息有误? ...
是有其他地址,但是最新地址已经显示出来了呀 我跟你一样,已经半年多了,tu死活不出分 楼主现在TU能查到信用报告吗?