hwiwang 发表于 2024-5-9 19:04:13



Thanks for getting in touch!

In order to assist you, we will need you to send us an email to [email protected]. Please send your email from the email address that was registered to your N26 account and provide the following:

- A double-sided photo/scan of your valid ID/Passport

If you do not have access to your registered email address,please send us an email stating:

- Your previously registered email address, in addition to the information above.

Please feel free to provide us with the documents as a scan or photo by email. However, we want to draw your attention to the fact that a transmission via post is normally still the safer way for your data.

For authentication purposes we require the following data points on to be visible on the ID:

- Full Name
- Date of birth
- Expiry date
- Photograph

We kindly advise to black out any other information which is not relevant to the identification process. This data will be deleted after we have verified your identity.

Since we may need to send you documents that contain sensitive information, please confirm within this email whether you would like to receive these documents by email or post (receiving these types of documents is always safer by post).

We may also exchange information with you, namely documentation, by email. Please note that by default our system is designed to protect email delivery through TLS encryption or higher connection. This means that if your email server accepts an inbound TLS encryption or higher connection, the emails exchanged with you are encrypted over the network (end-to-end). If your email server does not support TLS encryption or higher connection, the email may not be encrypted and thus we advise you to use the physical postal delivery option which will be a safer way to exchange information.

1. If you choose email delivery, we will need your express authorisation so, please reply to me stating “I authorise N26 Bank to exchange my personal data with me via email.” I’ll then continue this conversation via email. Note that you can withdraw the authorisation to exchange personal data via email at any time. In that case, we’ll exchange exclusively via post.

2. If you choose post delivery and your current mailing address is not shown on your submitted identity document, please send us the following in addition to the information listed above::

- A utility bill in which we can see your current Shipping Address (bill not older than 3 months).

Once your request is received, it will be fulfilled within 30 days.

墨羽无痕 发表于 2024-5-9 20:31:50


wahaha1129 发表于 2024-5-9 19:33:58


slayercjc 发表于 2024-5-9 19:05:15

没用,你提交以后 ,让你查看之前的拒开邮件,和机器人一样死循环

hwiwang 发表于 2024-5-10 12:49:44


爱新觉罗难说 发表于 2024-11-6 17:03:29

现在什么情况啊。。我看的意思要护照信息 还有 最近的BILL就是账单吧 ,我还提交了一份注册时的德国地址。。PS的不知道 能不能帮我删除~
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查看完整版本: n26失败后申请删户,被要求提供护照信息