最近想给ocbc入金,发现渣打每笔电汇需要250港币手续费,不划算,听说wise入金ocbc手续费低且秒到,但是wise没有港币入金渠道,应该怎样弄?本人还有za账户,是否可以通过渣打——za——wise——ocbc这样? 不是收50吗 我印象中 Wise 可以接收港币,我之前是英区 Wise
不知道是 Wise 政策变了还是我改大陆区导致的? HelloWorld 发表于 2024-5-16 08:44
我印象中 Wise 可以接收港币,我之前是英区 Wise
不知道是 Wi ...
How to receive other currencies to your GBP account details
You can receive 17 different currencies to your GBP Swift/global account details: GBP, EUR, USD, AUD, BGN, CAD, CHF, CZK, DKK, HKD, HUF, JPY, NOK, NZD, PLN, SEK, and SGD.
Deposits will be settled in the currency that we receive from the sender.
Keep in mind that some intermediary banks may charge your sender extra fees.
All you have to do is provide your GBP IBAN to the sender.
If we receive payments to GBP details in any other currency not listed here, they'll get rejected and get sent back to the sender. Wise 里点 send,然后选 from Bank/Card, 源货币可以选择港币,目的地选择新币和你的 ocbc 账户,点下一步选 FPS 转账就会有一个 Wise 的香港本地收款账户,你按要求向那个账户 FPS 转账就 OK za 里面有钱的话那个海外转账可以直接选 ocbc 的吧 不过就是港币多点手续费 mokuo 发表于 2024-5-16 09:54
Wise 里点 send,然后选 from Bank/Card, 源货币可以选择港币,目的地选择新币和你的 ocbc 账户,点下一步 ...
用转数快吗?到ocbc手续费大概如何 sc cathay好下吗?有条件sc sg?有点心水cathay联名,飞us cathay的cp也很高/ hsbc hk电汇到sg,不算汇损,无损 六羊 发表于 2024-5-16 13:59