Can I have 2 NFTs connected to one Arbitrum address?
我可以将 2 个 NFT 连接到一个 Arbitrum 地址吗?
No, the system does not allow a Fiat24 NFT to be sent to an Arbitrum address that has ever had another Fiat24 NFT before. However, an NFT can always be transferred back to the Arbitrum address which had it before.
不可以,系统不允许将 Fiat24 NFT 发送到之前曾有过 Fiat24 NFT 的 Arbitrum 地址。然而,NFT 始终可以转移回之前拥有它的 Arbitrum 地址。
If an address has ever held one Fiat24 NFT, it can never have another Fiat24 NFT except for the original one associated with it.
如果一个地址曾经持有一个 Fiat24 NFT,则除了与其关联的原始地址之外,它永远不可能拥有另一个 Fiat24 NFT。
Can I sell (or transfer) my NFT to another person?
我可以将我的 NFT 出售(或转让)给其他人吗?
Yes, but you should only sell (or transfer) an NFT with a Tourist Status, which means it has not yet been linked to you. If you sell a verified NFT to someone else, you may run the risk of it being used for money laundering. All transactions made in that account will be associated with you.
是的,但您只能出售(或转让)具有游客身份的 NFT,这意味着它尚未与您关联。如果您将经过验证的 NFT 出售给其他人,您可能会面临被用于洗钱的风险。该帐户中进行的所有交易都将与您相关联。
Can I buy an NFT from a 3rd person or market such as OpenSea?
我可以从第三者或 OpenSea 等市场购买 NFT 吗?
Yes. Be careful to only buy an NFT with a Tourist Status, which means the token has never been linked to a client profile before. If you acquire an NFT which has already been linked to a client, it is not legal and your deposit may hold the risk of being claimed by the former owner in the future.
是的。请注意,仅购买具有游客身份的 NFT,这意味着该代币之前从未链接到客户资料。如果您获得的 NFT 已经与客户关联,那么这是不合法的,您的存款将来可能会面临被前所有者索要的风险。 |