本帖最后由 HelloWorld 于 2024-10-27 08:52 编辑
总体成绩 5.5 分(22/40),如果运气好,再对一道选择题就是 6.0 分了,不过还是需要做好运气分为 0 的准备,仅靠实力分拿到想要的分数才是正确的练习方法
part 1
得分 7/10,有 1 个不应该丢分的空格,正确答案是 stream,我写了 streams,事实上,全文是 “Wetland: lakes, ponds and a stream”
Science: Children look at data about plants, etc.
Well, one focus is on science, where we help children to discover and study plants, trees and insects.
They also collect and analyse data about the things they see.
我填成了 study,因为听的时候跟 plants 离得最近
Leisure and tourism: mostly concentrates on the park's visitors
Yes, we do. For instance, the children can explore how the use of the land has changed over time. Then there's leisure and tourism.
That focuses on your visitors, I would imagine.
这句我完全没听出来,原因是在句尾突然引出 leisure and tourism 关键词,并且说得比较快,而且我对 leisure 这个单词不敏感,等我意识到后,已经在读下一题了
此外就是上面句子中 “visitors, I” 连读我完全没听出,听起来像是 “visitor sigh”
part 2
得分 5/10
第 12 题虽然做对了,但是该题对应的干扰项很多,每个选项都有被提到,我觉得做对可能也有运气成分
第 14 题正确选项是:have a meal at home
原文:Don't try to do too much that first evening as they’ll be tired, so have dinner in the house or garden rather than eating out.
第 15 题正确选项是:listen to a concert,我错选成:watch a match
原文:On Saturday evening, we’ll all meet up at the football club, where once again we’ll have Toby Sharp and his band performing English and Scottish country songs.
meet up at 连读没听清,一听到 football club 下意识选择了比赛,然后去读下一题题目,于是后面的乐队和歌曲这些就没听到
16-20 是地图匹配题,只拿到 2/5 分
That's at the northern end of the larger lake, in a bend on the path that leads to the lake.
The kitchen gardens are rectangular and surrounded by a wall.
part 3
得分 5/10
其中有个选项是:for use on medical products
对应原文:No, things like milk and juice as well. But actually, I thought it might be really good for drug storage in hospitals and pharmacies.
25-30 是匹配题,只得了 2/6 分
part 4
得分 5/10
10 道填空题
有个题目差点失分,一开始 儿子 son 写成“太阳”,还好复查时改正了,边听边写时没有太多时间思考拼写,大部分是随手一写,所以最后 3 分钟的检查时间非常重要
有个空格明确知道要填氧气 oxygen,读音很熟,但是拼写不熟,复查时也没想出怎么写。其实还有不少类似的单词明知道怎么读,但是不知道怎么写,例如 恐龙 dinosaur
另一个没听出来的单词是 rectangular,用来形容房子的形状,不过这个单词确实不熟
最后一个错误是 a decline in soil quality
原文:The soil would have become less productive and led to the abandonment of farming.
另一个蛋疼的问题是,机考时,匹配题的选项是按钮,不是普通文本,所以选项如果是句子,你就无法画关键词了,只能考验记忆力和眼力 |